Social Media


There is nothing worse (for business owners or marketers) (for big or small businesses) than struggling to come up with social media content or marketing ideas that would resonate with their followers.

In this post, I will discuss 20 social media content ideas that will ensure you always have something to share as part of your social media marketing strategy which will encourage your followers to actually engage with your content. 

What is social media content?

Social media content is a mix of anything you think your followers would find interesting. Try not to continually push your own product/service over and over again, no one wants to see that on their newsfeed (although it is fine from time to time, like when you have a new product, feature or major update). 

Share content that adds value every time you post!

Which social media sites should I use?

Each network lends itself to a different type of content. 

Before randomly posting anything to your social media platforms, you should understand how each one is used and how you can utilise each one for your company. 

I’m sure your time is limited so you’ll want to spend what little time you have on ones that will provide the best results.

Drives more referral traffic than any other social siteEncourages retweeting and sharing curated contentDedicated to professionals so your content should reflect thisBest for visual content, engaging images, and short videosHighly visual platform
Works best for news and entertainmentGreat for brands sharing great content (useful content)Great for sharing industry news, curated articles.Great for brand awareness, not so great for driving trafficGreat for Infographics
Brand awarenessBrand awarenessBrand awarenessBrand awarenessBrand awareness

So now you have a general idea of which social networks will work best for you and your company, let’s take a look at the 20 social media post ideas we will discuss in more detail throughout the post.

The index

  1. Your blog posts (Content Marketing)
  2. Repurpose blog content
  3. Content curation
  4. Industry news
  5. Polls or questions
  6. Customer testimonials
  7. Industry News
  8. Holidays/Events
  9. Gifs, memes and emojis
  10. Company photos/culture
  11. Co-promotion with industry leaders
  12. Value-adding resources
  14. How-to video content
  15. Company transparency posts
  16. Industry statistics
  17. Competitions & Giveaways
  18. Live video on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter & SnapChat
  19. Get creative with trending topics
  20. Engage with your audience

1 – Your own blog posts

If you are running an online business and want to generate free traffic from search engines like Google and Bing, you need to be blogging. 

Top tip: As part of any social media campaign you should ensure that you are actually providing value-adding and actionable content for the reader.CLICK TO TWEET

Ok, so now you have amazing content to share on social media with your followers, you should create variations of those posts to share in new ways like images, quotes from the post and questions or polls about the topic you discuss. 

2 – Repurpose blog content

Good blog content takes time to create so you don’t want to let it go to waste after just one use. Optinmonster has found 40 ways in which to do so including:

  • Infographics
  • Video content
  • Webinars
  • Podcasts
  • Emails
  • Downloadable content resources
  • Slide decks

3 – Content curation

Sharing valuable content in your niche with your followers is a sure-fire way of getting noticed on social media. Creating your own content takes time, research, and money so share content that has already been written and it will still provide value to your followers. They’ll thank you for it. Just remember to give the author a shout out when you re-share 🙂 

There are tools out there that curate content for you and even post directly to your social media profiles (ahem… giving you more time to focus on actually engaging with your followers.

4 – Industry News

Sharing industry news is a no-brainer. It’s an easy and free way to provide relevant content to your followers. Follow the big companies in your niche, retweet big news, ask questions about upcoming changes, new features, whatever it may be, just share it 🙂 

5 – Polls or Questions

This one would tie in nicely with number 4 because industry news could provide inspiration for questions or polls. Or just ask something fun that is relevant to your niche to increase engagement with your posts.

6 – Customer Testimonials

If you’re doing well in business, you’ll most likely have some raving fans that love your product or service. Sharing what they think of your company is great content to share as a social media post. It provides social proof that may just inspire other potential customers to check out what you’re doing. Even better, build detailed case studies with your best users which can really help with future leads and sales.

7 – Industry Tips & Advice

Rather than sharing a full-on blog post which would take a customer 5-15 minutes to read, you can simply share the most important tips and advice in bullet points, or in an image. Use tools like Canva to easily create images without any design knowledge. 

You don’t even need to be overly serious with your posts… 

Quuu Tweet: Quick Tip: No flashlight on your phone? Take a photo of the sun, and use it in the dark.
Quuu quick tip example

8 – Holidays & Events

Holidays happen every year so why not make the most of them by sharing holiday-related posts on your social profiles. If possible, try to theme the holiday around your brand and share it with your followers. Again, use tools like Canva or take a photo from home or the office.

Here’s an example from Seabrook Crisps themed around Halloween:

A tweet from Seabrook Crisps themed around Halloween.
Seabrook Crisps Halloween post

9 – Gifs, Memes and Emojis

Where would we be on the internet without GIFs, memes and emojis? I sure wouldn’t want to find out. They aren’t just for kids and the immature, they can play a massive part in your social content strategy. 

They help highlight your brand’s personality and resonate with ‘most’ audiences. You would need to decide if this is right for you and your brand. 

Including a GIF in your posts alongside a message is a really easy and free way to create content to share. 

An example of Quuu using GIF's on Twitter.
Quuu using GIF’s on Twitter

10 – Company Culture & Photos

Another great way to showcase your brand’s personality and highlight what your company is all about is by sharing team photos and company culture posts giving your followers a sneak peek behind the scenes. 

Team meetups, zoom hangouts, whatever it is, share it! 

11 – Co-Promotion with Industry Leaders

Start conversations with industry leaders in your niche that all your followers will see. The easiest way to do this is on Twitter as you can mention anyone you like. 

Remember to ask questions when you tweet, be inquisitive, don’t ask for help or promote your own things. 

12 – Value-adding resources

We all love free stuff as much as the next person whether it be ebooks, voucher codes, free coffee, products/services, or whatever you can think of.  Sharing industry-relevant resources that can help your followers is a sure-fire way of getting more engagement and reach on your posts. 

13 – Quotes

This is a really easy one! Find quotes from industry leaders or even testimonials from your existing userbase that your target audience will love. 

It is best to keep the quotes relevant to your industry, don’t just spout any old hokum, such as:

“Stay hungry, stay foolish.” Steve Jobs

Now, this is a great quote, don’t get me wrong, just don’t share it with your audience of dog lovers. 

14 – How-to Video content

How-to videos can be time-consuming but can also be really effective and engaging content to share.

If you are sharing videos about your own product or service then make it all about what the viewer will learn and benefit from it, it’s not about you.

15 – Company Transparency Posts

Sharing your latest company statistics is great content for some niches. Baremetrics do this really well which you’ll see in their latest growth manifesto. They will share company metrics no matter what they are, new product launches, churn, staff salaries, monthly recurring revenue (MRR), you name it, they share it. 

Their followers and customers appreciate their openness and are happy to be along for the ride. 

Sharing like this really helps build a solid community of supporters. 

16 – Industry Statistics

There a few ways in which to share industry statistics that include:

  1. Infographics
  2. Images
  3. Videos

Whichever way you do it, statistics are another easy and free way to find content to share. 

17 – Competitions & Giveaways

As I previously mentioned, people love free stuff. By offering up a great prize you can generate lots of new leads that you can later target.

Using tools like you can create competitions and giveaways. When people sign up they are tasked with various ways in which to increase their chances of winning. That could include, sharing with friends, liking your Facebook page, watching a video and more. 

18 – Go Live

Facebook Live, Twitter, Instagram and SnapChat all have options for live video. If you have the confidence to go live then you should give it a go. Maybe even make it a weekly occurrence so that people know when to expect you. We’ve found interviewing industry experts with a real-time Q&A session is a great way to engage followers. The best social media platform to go live is the one where your audience is most engaged.

At any given point, certain hashtags are trending. If you can find a way to make those topics relevant to you and your company then you should try to utilise the buzz. 

And last but not least, the most important aspect of any social media content strategy…

20 – Engage with your audience

You really should be spending time on engaging with your audience, not just from your own posts, but conversing in others too. This can increase your reach and generate new followers and leads. 

Lots of companies now offer support on social and there is a very good reason for that. It shows potential customers how they treat existing customers. 

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